Sunday, July 12, 2009

A MEGA Post~

Hi all...sorry to have kept all awaiting for some time....
Been making earrings recently but haven't got the chance to upload them.
Promised that today post will be a super HUGE one, updated with all my recently made earrings~ Hope all will like them!
This batch of earrings mostly are made for the collaboration I have with Peanuto.

Let me introduce all the Gold earrings first~

A pair of elegant pearl earrings dangling from the golden ribbon.
The pearl is grasp by delicate gold metal encapsulating it.

The next pair of earring is a see saw design with 1 side dangling with a green pearl attachment while the other side bear the white flower. Blue crystal is attached to give a brighter touch to this pair of earring.

This next one is one of my simple casual favourite that i can wear it in any occasion. Blue crystals matched with gold metal beads swinging in the golden loop.

This is an expansion from the previous one, with pearls and turquoise heart crystal in the loops giving it a sweet and refreshing look.

This is another series of the golden loop earrings.
This time pink crystal and small pearls are in the golden loop and a yellow flower danging from the loop.
A pair of sweet earrrings that I love it!

Next two are similar earrings but with different feelings.
The design is specially requested from Peanuto while the other pair came along with it in the process. One has the pearly look while the other one is a simpler pair. Both pairs are nice!

Now are the non-gold earrings~

The 2 pair of earrings are cluster of beads and pearls with large white pearl/blue beads.
The cluster for the blue pair is dangling way above the blue beads while the white pearl set has the cluster right above it.

This pair is a ribbon attached to to beads.
(One white while the other blue)
These beads have a certain shade effect that make the earirng elagant.

The next pair is a simple pair that is suitable for all casual look. The white flower attached with a transparent crystal with pearl to have a sweet and simple feel.

This is a sweet couple earring. It expresses the sweetness from a relationship with the dangling crystal and pearls from the couple in the loop. fast and I'm coming to the last pair of earring for this post. The last pair is a simple and posh looking pair that is suitable for all occasion be it formal dinner and dance or casual jean-attire.
Hope you have enjoyed these entries...tune in for more entries in the future.